The top 5 social and cultural boundaries

Today there are many social and cultural boundaries that people face everywhere. Social boundaries are types of rules that are considered common because most of the people living in the society agree that they are the standards that people should follow. Social boundaries allow people to evaluate others quickly. We all tend to put people into different categories based on different criteria. We do that within just a few minutes after meeting someone. With social boundaries we are easily determining what is similar and what is different between us and the person opposite of us.

When it comes to top social and cultural boundaries, one of the biggest boundaries is that in some societies it is common to shake hands while in the others that activity is considered unacceptable. For example, people in Japan greet by nodding, which is quite different than in the Western world. By learning these social and cultural boundaries we can better understand different cultures and know what is accepted and what is not.

Second boundary that people face is that in some cultures standing too close to someone is considered very rude, while in others this is common. Some countries find it customary for two people to stay close to each other, while in other cultures it is common to have distances between people that are involved into a conversation. This is another example and this can be seen in many cultures across the world. For example, in the US if you stand too close to someone that is considered invasion of private space, but in Europe that is sign of friendship and affection. In the US dating apps have spurred to make sure that partners are mutual minded. One example is Meet N Fuck App which allows partners to communicate online first than meet in person. Social boundaries usually dictate different aspects of someone`s behavior. They can often direct how much someone shares about his personal feelings and points of view. Another example is how loud or how soft someone speaks. Also what someone wears when attending church or other religious places.

Regarding cultural boundaries, these are also known as ethnographic boundaries. They can be defined as lines that separate people based on their ethnicity, religion, or language. We can often see cultural boundaries preventing people from contacting each other even within one country. For example, in Canada the official language of the province of Quebec is French, while in other provinces is English. This is another top example of cultural boundary based on language. Another example is the Chinatown in San Francisco or in New York, where people of China group with each other and live in their own community within the city.

The mentioned were the top examples of social and cultural boundaries that are commonly seen everywhere. There are many more others as well. With the world development and the ways in which people think these boundaries are slowly starting to fade away, but fact is that there are still too many of them. By learning more about different cultures and keeping an open mind we can do our best to erase these boundaries that separate us from other people.

What is global capitalism

Capitalism is an economic system that dominates in most of the modern countries around the world. It comes in different forms, so it is a widely used and preferred system for many countries. Globalization leads toward growing different economic systems at global level, and although capitalism dominates economies in most countries, it is not connected to one specific system and has several definitions. The term global capitalism is not fully defined so it is mostly used as a way to describe what is going on with the world economies. Fact is that today capitalism can be divided into four categories – state-led, market-led, social-democratic and corporate capitalism.

The reason why the definition for global capitalism is not very clear is because none of the mentioned four forms of capitalism is really global. For example, social-democratic form of capitalism is preferred way for many European countries, while market-led capitalism is most dominant in the United States. Germany for example has a state-led type of capitalism, while Asian countries mostly follow the corporate capitalism. Many factors influence the type of capitalism that is being implemented in the country, so that is why there is no global type of capitalism in all countries.

All four types of capitalism mentioned have different advantages and participate in global movements of world economy. One thing that all types of capitalism have in common is that they all focus on producing things to make profits. Countries are always competing, but they also cooperate and use resources of their friendly countries in order to exploit bigger global markets. They do so in order to grow economically and to raise the economic standard of their countries. Countries exchange different goods and are taking advantage of numerous things in order to contribute to the global economy. Cultural exchange is also at highest levels now, and one example is that many urban areas are featuring Chinese restaurants, while in China western brands are starting to penetrate the market. Buying and selling goods and exchanging services and products are some of the basic principles of capitalism. The boundaries are starting to go away, so soon enough we may witness one global form of capitalism in the world.

Defining global capitalism is challenging because it involves numerous things that affect the world economy. There are many attributes that define global capitalism, so we can say that global capitalism is basically the tendency for interaction between countries in order to contribute to the world economy through cultural and economical exchange. Global capitalism will never be operated by one center, so the main point behind it is the cooperation between countries. Capitalism as an economic system constantly gets developed and improved in different ways, so we might witness another form coming up in the near future. Fact is that capitalism is what moves the world and that leads to bigger prosperity of countries. Global capitalism is the driving force for economic development of the countries in the world, so we are likely to see more countries joining forces to take advantage of it.

Examples of current social injustice across cultures

We are witnesses of social injustice in many cultures across the world. It can be manifested in several different ways and it can affect a lot of people. Social injustice happens when unjust things are done to the people in society. Some people are not treated fairly, others are treated unequally. Some very common examples of social injustice that can be seen everywhere include ageism, discrimination and homophobia. Example of social injustice in the US is when African-Americans are not treated fairly and equally with Caucasians when it comes to traffic violations or when accessing public health institutions.

Sad fact is that in many countries around the world the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. Those that have money can quickly access everything they need and can also receive top health care, while poor people usually struggle to get even the basic medical help. That is another type of social injustice commonly seen in many cultures today. Certain cutback programs also limit people from accessing things they need, so sometimes even countries are doing social injustice to their own people.

In many cultures today we can see many social injustice issues such as racial discrimination or discrimination based on gender, age or ethnicity. Unfair labor practices are another form of social injustice as well. The truth is that the entire society is affected when there is some form of social injustice present. For example, in Saudi Arabia women were not allowed to drive until recently, which is an extreme form of social injustice. In some of the Arabic countries today women are still treated unequally to men, so this social injustice is commonly visible there.

In Europe and in the US there is also injustice when it comes to accessing quality public schools. Once again, people that are rich can enroll at best schools and get the best education possible, while the poor have no other option but to go to those schools they can afford. Usually cheaper schools mean less quality, because most of the teachers are not paid that well. Truth is that accessing quality education largely depends on the socio-economic status of the person in question.

When it comes to homophobia, this is a type of social injustice seen almost everywhere in the world. Although some countries are more accepting than others and do their best to integrate people from LGBT community into the society, there are still places where homosexuals and people with different sexual orientation are treated unfairly. On many occasions they are denied working certain jobs or performing certain duties. Recently the US President Donald Trump banned transsexuals from serving in the military, which is another extreme form of social injustice.

As we can conclude, there are many forms of social injustice that happen everywhere in the world. Countries and individuals should do their best to educate themselves more and to stop doing injustice towards someone based on different criteria like socio-economic status, age, race or gender.
